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Let's Keep Our Kids Reading: Reading Through The Riots

As summer approaches, the ASA Books team is committed to continuing our goal in spreading our love of reading and literacy during these very trying times. Within a matter of days, so many of our children have had to yet again re-adjust to the changing environments around them. Not to add, most of our nations children have graciously transitioned to e-learning over the past 2+ months. Without saying, it’s been quite the adjustment for our little ones.

Here are few resources we hope you find helpful over the coming days and weeks (maybe months). The collective goal remains unchanged… let’s keep our keeps reading.

The ASA Books June Reading List

1. A is for Activist’ by Innosanto Nagara

2. Teach Your Dragon About Diversity’ by Steve Herman ‘A Kids Book About Racism’ by Jelani Memory

3. ‘Freedom Over Me’ by Ashley Bryan

4. ‘White Water’ by Michael S. Bandy and Eric Stein

5. ‘Blended’ by Sharon M. Draper

6. The Watsons Go to Birmingham 1963’ by Christopher Paul Curtis

Other Things To Try Out

1. Plant a Garden. If you have the space and time, take a few seeds from your tomatoes, a root from your potato or some beans in your cupboard and start your very own garden. A little goes a long way and plus it’s a great way to keep the kids engaged in a project that spans a few months. They can monitor growth and change and this lends for great discussion during the process.

2. Sip and Paint: If you have access to paint, crayons, paper or canvas… and can sit outside your home or in the back yard, gather the kids around on a sunny afternoon with their favorite juice or infused water. Observe the nature around you and have your very own art class.

3. Science Projects at the Kids Science Lab . The Kids Science Lab is now offering great science projects that you can do in the comfort of your own home. Check it out:

We hope you find this helpful. Please continue to stay safe and remain positive.

Till next time,

Happy Reading and Learning

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